Saturday, September 20, 2008

Where have you been!

So i told my sister that I don't post cause the only person to look at my blog is my grandma! I guess I was wrong and have a lot of blog stalkers that look at my blog! haha But there where a lot of comments of people saying "it is about time" "we missed you" "it has been such a long time since you posted" and so forth. There are alot of you that haven't posted since AUG yeah mine was JULY but still I am not the only slacker! I wish I could say the reason I havn't blogged is cause my husband surprised me with a 3 week trip to Europe followed by a week long cruise to the Bahamas! The scary picture I posted above was me and Kiley relaxing in the pool by the beach in Florida! Just kidding it was Park City


whitney holland. said...

You only wish you were traveling to all of those fun places! Watch Disneyland here we come! Rain or SHINE!

Emily said...

Hey Renae, it's Emily (from bunko) I guess I'm a blog stalker! You should be scared. Your kids and family are so cute!

Brandee Lloyd said...

Hey you so glad you decided to start posting again! I always check your blog. The new hair cut is way cute by the way. Tell Whit I said hello!

Beck's said...

hey renae I am a blog stalker, and I just added you to my friends favorite list.... I love the family pictures that Jami did. They are so cute....