Thursday, July 3, 2008

Raspberry Shakes

When we where up in Bear Lake we went and got some of the famous Raspberry Shakes. They we so dang dang good and they are HUGE. So the boys shared one, Kiley and I shared one and Jared and Addison where going to share one. When Addison saw Jared's cup and then looked at her cup she decided that she didn't want to share she wanted BOTH. And of coarse we do what ever she wants so she won't cry. But she still cries even when she gets what she wants. ( you think we would learn) So when she wasn't looking or couldn't see through the crocidle tears Jared would steal a bite or two! We Love Addison to death cause she is so darn cute but there are days i wish she weren't so cute cause then maybe it would be easy to tell her NO!!!


whitney holland. said...

Oh that top picture is sooooooooo NAUGHTY but so darling! I just want to squeeze her!

Viv and Justin said...

What a cutie! We've only met Addison once in person and she was just a little baby... How time flies! It's nice to be able to keep up in pictures.